Thrilling Start to Sports Week at Sahasrarjuna Educational Complex in Solapur

SOLAPUR: The Sahasarjun Educational Complex kicked off its Sports Week with great fervor, inaugurated by Rahul Suresh Hazare, the Physical Director of Walchand Junior College. Hazare, shedding light on the significance of sports in life, instilled enthusiasm among students for the exciting week of athletic competitions.

In attendance were Ganpatsa Dhondusa Mirajkar, the President of Kshatriya Samaj (Vitthal Mandir) Trust, Gajanan Goyal, Secretary of the Educational Institute, and other esteemed members of the Educational Institute, including Bharat Kumar Shalagar and Tukaram Pawar.

The launch featured a sports pledge taken by all students alongside Seshadri Moge, fostering a sense of sportsmanship and dedication to physical well-being. Principal Umdikar presided over the introduction of the program, and Sports Teacher Dr. Ujwal Malji introduced the honored guests.

As part of the festivities, students showcased a captivating dance performance centered around sports themes. The sports lineup included team events like Khokho, Kabaddi, Ligori cricket, and individual competitions such as the lemon-spoon race, musical chairs, 100-meter run, slow cycling, shot put, chess, and more, expertly moderated by D. A. Khobare. The event concluded with a vote of thanks from P. G. Katve.

While sports weeks provide a platform for physical activity, the educational institutions should focus more on integrating sports into the regular curriculum for sustained health benefits.