In a unique celebration, Shroff High School in Nandurbar commenced the new year with 700 students participating in Surya Namaskar, saluting the sun’s radiant rays. Led by Mrs. Go, the energizing activity aimed to instill gratitude towards the sun’s power.
Supported by key figures like Integrated Tribal Development Project Officer Chandrakant Pawar, Institute Chairman Adv. Raman Lal Shah, Secretary Dr. Yogesh Desai, Principal Sushma Shah, and others, the event showcased the commitment of Shroff High School towards holistic student development.
Principal Sushma Shah, who has consistently advocated for this annual initiative, highlighted its significance in making Surya Namaskar an integral part of student life. The event aimed to inspire physical and mental well-being, emphasizing its role in mental concentration and gland activation.
Integrated Tribal Project Officer Chandrakant Pawar, the chief guest, praised Shroff High School for promoting the Indian Yoga system globally. He emphasized the necessity of Surya Namaskar for overall development and commended the school’s commendable efforts.
The grand event featured meticulous arrangements by Hemant Patil and Shivaji Mali, who designed the grounds and Suryastambh, while Mahendra Somvanshi adorned the panels. Musical elements were curated by Anagha Joshi, with Yogesh Shastri singing Sanskrit Surya Shlok and Jagdish Vanjari and Bhiku Trivedi chanting Omkar. Hemant Patil added a melodic touch with the flute. The program was skillfully moderated by Chetna Patil, and Deputy Principal Rajesh Shah conveyed gratitude in the vote of thanks.
Deputy Principal Rajesh Shah, Supervisor Vidya Sisodia, Jagdish Patil, along with the entire teaching and non-teaching staff, contributed significantly to the program’s success.
While Surya Namaskar promotes physical health, some argue its religious connotations could be divisive in a secular educational setting.
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