Why can’t India, with a 1.4B population, bag more than 10 Gold medals at the biggest sports summit in the world

With a population soaring beyond 1.4 billion, one might assume that India would effortlessly dominate the world of sport. However, reality remains starkly contrary. Despite the immense pool of raw talent, India’s performance at the grandest sports summits often falls short, leaving many questioning why a nation of such magnitude cannot clinch more than a handful of gold medals.

The answer lies not in the deficiency of talent, but in the systemic barricades that shackle the aspirations of countless athletes across the nation. India’s struggle to amass gold medals on the international platform is the lack of adequate infrastructure and facilities at the grassroots level. While metropolitan cities might boast state-of-the-art training centres, rural regions languish in neglect, deprived of even the most basic amenities for nurturing budding athletes. Without accessible infrastructure, talent remains untapped, relegated to the sidelines of obscurity.

The prevalence of archaic bureaucratic red tape ensnares promising athletes in a web of administrative hurdles, stifling their potential before it can even blossom. The cumbersome processes of securing funding & obtaining permissions while navigating bureaucratic mazes deter all leaving countless dreams shattered in their wake. The inequitable distribution of resources further exacerbates the plight of aspiring athletes. In some scenarios, disproportionate attention has been lavished upon a select few sports deemed commercially viable or culturally significant. This skewed focus not only sidelines numerous disciplines but also perpetuates a vicious cycle wherein underprivileged athletes are denied the opportunity to excel.

While academic excellence is lauded and celebrated, sporting achievements are frequently overlooked or dismissed as frivolous endeavours. Consequently, aspiring athletes encounter societal pressure to prioritize academic pursuits over sporting ambitions, further impeding the development of a robust sporting culture. A paradigm shift is imperative to break free from these shackles and unleash India’s true sporting potential. Streamlining bureaucratic processes and ensuring equitable distribution of resources across all sports disciplines is paramount to fostering inclusivity and levelling the playing field.

India can cultivate a culture wherein aspiring athletes are empowered to pursue their dreams without fear of societal judgment or condemnation. As we build up to the Paris Olympics 2024, the time for change is now