Haaland Strikes Back: Goals Speak Louder Than Words

Roy Keane hates the Haalands. In 2001, the fiery Irishman ended Alfie Haaland’s career with a terrible foul. This had come after a spat with the Norwegian almost four years before the infamous incident. Many years have gone by since then. Both Keane and Alf-Inge have been retired for a long, long time. But now after almost 23 years, this rivalry has been reignited. Erling Haaland, Alfie’s son has become the best striker in the world. He’s shattered record after record at Manchester City and has even won a treble with the citizens. Last month, Haaland had a barren patch with a string of poor performances. This led to immense criticism for the Norwegian. Keane’s comments were the harshest of them all. The former Manchester United skipper called last year’s Ballon d’Or runner-up a “league 2 player”

Haaland Has His Revenge

Since the comments by Keane, Haaland has just scored 4 goals in a single game against Wolverhampton Wanderers. When he was asked about the Irishman’s criticism of him in a press conference, The Norwegian responded by saying “I really don’t care about that man.” What a way to rattle the bitter pundit. The most surprising fact is a former player is saying that. If Haaland was truly a League 2 Level player, he certainly wouldn’t have reached the pinnacle of club football. Keane’s comments were absolutely disgraceful and Haaland hit back in the best way possible.

Shambolic Statements From Keane

Football pundits look more ridiculous day by day. British Pundits in particular are extra delusional. Their bias to protect English players and to criticize foreign players becomes more evident day by day. A comment like this about a player who was on the books to win the Golden Ball last year is stupid. Maybe Keane is bitter about the fact that Erling’s Manchester City is miles better than his former club Manchester United. Biases aren’t uncommon with pundits (Jamie Carragher is a prime example of that). Constructive criticism is the only thing a pundit should offer in their analysis of players. Hitting out at Haaland like this was shambolic on Keane’s part.