Sports Minister Anurag Thakur has informed that the government will give digital certificates to registered athletes across the country. Thakur said that this initiative will bring transparency in the performance and participation of the players.
The digital certificate will acknowledge the participation of the players in the competitions and also prove their achievements. Anurag Thakur wrote on Twitter, “Sportsmen are the backbone of our sports infrastructure and keeping this in mind, the Sports Ministry has taken an important decision to issue digital certificates to them.”
The sports minister announced his plan on August 29 last year to make things easier for athletes and national sports federations. The NSF portal was also launched at that time.
Anurag Thakur said, “As per the Sports Paramount Policy, the National Sports Federation has been asked to issue certificates to the athletes through DigiLocker.
Anurag Thakur said, “This decision has been taken to promote transparency and efficiency in sports administration of NSF and to ensure security, accessibility and authenticity of players’ documents.”
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