Call Me Bae: A Riches Fairytale Too Far Away From Reality

Call Me Bae, a new series starring Ananya Panday premiered on Amazon Prime Video on the 6th of September. The series follows a girl who struggles with life as a middle-class woman when her luxurious life is taken away after her husband spurns her for cheating on him with her gym trainer. Ananya Panday’s character- a South Delhi socialite who has not even for once sat in an auto-rickshaw ends up being on the page of every news and social media platform seemed quite unrealistic in every aspect.

Several series like Call Me Bae have been made in the Bollywood industry which set out to be in the genre of feel-good to watch. All those series had a way of being cringe as they were unapologetically supposed to be but for this, the directors should apologize to the audience for treating us with such a poor sense of reality, humor, and acting.  The fashion was the only thing that did all the talking for both the series and Ananya Panday’s character. It was all low fat-no carb storyline in Bella Choudhary’s words.

Now, coming to the plotline of the story, I really don’t know where to start on what went wrong with this series. A series being released on any OTT platform should be directive about what they want to portray with the act unlike Call Me Bae. The series tries to fit in everywhere and check all the boxes, which had a lesson on pseudo-feminism, on the rich people, and on the middle class too which turned out to be a mess. All the characters in the series seemed to be in some kind of rush while playing their part. From losing their jobs to finding another in a second? For a moment it seemed like there is no hustle in life just luck.

Moreover, the protagonist, Bella, played by Ananya Panday had too many loose ends within her character. A character who loses everything and wants to prove herself without all the privileges she was born with yet sells her branded bags for survival, a little hypocrite, don’t you think? Ananya Panday failed to show the transformation of a life from rich to the rags. The series became all about how the characters looked, rather than what they wanted to show. The directors should’ve stuck to a single agenda and not addressed every societal problem that exists in today’s world or else you end up making a series like Call Me Bae. Well, it’s true when they say sometimes people need to watch the bad to appreciate the good ones.

What are your opinions about the Series? Did “Call Me Bae” live up to your expectations? Let us know in the comments below.