Arohi Sports Club Shetphal Athletes won ten medals including four gold and six silver in the national karate competition held at Indy Karnataka. 1440 karate players from around 22 states participated in this tournament. The players of Arohi Sports Club recorded a great performance in this tournament.
Adesh Randive, Akshada Mule, Samriddhi Mule, and Ajay Nikam won gold medals in their respective weight groups. Soham Bhange, Prithviraj Gidde, Ajay Dongre, Sukhdev Lovete, Samarth Ghuge, and Aarti Zinjurte won silver medals in their respective weight groups.
The performance of all these players is being appreciated from all over the district. These players have benefited from the guidance of Srikanth Pujari, Siddheshwar Ranadive, and Omkar Vagaj.
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