In 2024, John “Hands of Stone” Lineker established himself as a true two-sport sensation. The former ONE Bantamweight MMA World Champion, known for his seemingly unrivalled punching power, made an unexpected entrance into Muay Thai this year, sending shockwaves across the martial arts community. The Brazilian returned a few weeks later, at ONE Fight Night 25 in October. That evening, he finished skilled Russian fighter Alexey Balyko in an equally brutal fashion.
After establishing himself as a threat in ONE Championship’s ultra-competitive bantamweight Muay Thai class, after making the transition to ‘The Art of Eight Limbs.’ ‘Hands of Stone’ upended the bantamweight Muay Thai division with back-to-back brutal knockout victories against Asa Ten Pow and Alexey Balyko. If Lineker defeats ‘Left Meteorite’ Kulabdam, he may soon face rated opponents. Sor Jor Piek Uthai competed in ONE Fight Night 27.
The Brazilian bomber aims to recapture his lost bantamweight MMA title, in addition to pursuing 26 pounds of gold in the Muay Thai competition. John Lineker deserves recognition for maintaining top physical fitness despite his involvement in multiple wars. In ‘Hands of Stone’, the protagonist attributes his success in another sport to a greater power. Looking back on his unforgettable year on the global stage, Lineker is profoundly grateful for the success he achieved.
Lineker Overlooking Competition
Lineker said, “Next year will be better than 2024, but I have nothing to complain about. It was a wonderful year in my life. But we strive for the best every day, and that’s what I’m going to do in 2025 – improve and dedicate myself more than I’ve been dedicating myself. I want to be MMA champion again and try to fight for a title in Muay Thai as well.”
He further added, “I also experienced growth in my spiritual life, learning more about God and seeking God more in my life, so this has made my life better every day. It was a wonderful year – a year of learning about God, a year of growing in God.”