On the second day of the IPL tournament, all eyes were on the performance of Rishabh Pant, who recovered from the injury after the accident. When Rishabh Pant, leading the Delhi Capitals team, walked into the field in the eighth over of the innings, the fans in the entire stadium gave Pant a standing ovation.
Rishabh Pant was seriously injured in a car accident in December 2022. After that, Pant was away from the cricket field for 454 days. Pant could not play in the IPL last season. A few days before the IPL started, Rishabh Pant was cleared to play. After that, the Delhi Capitals team decided to hand over the leadership to Rishabh Pant directly.
Delhi Capitals batted first. Naturally, all eyes were on when Rishabh Pant would come out to bat. When Rishabh Pant walked into the field in the eighth over of the innings, the entire stadium erupted in cheers. It was a big emotional moment for Pant. Cricket fans cheered Pant by standing up and giving him a standing ovation.The entire stadium erupted in cheers when Rishabh Pant walked into the field in the eighth over of the innings
Rishabh Pant underwent several surgeries after the accident. After a lot of hard work, Pant is ready to take the field again. Pant made his comeback against the Punjab Kings. Rishabh Pant scored 18 runs in just 13 balls in the first match. Hit two hard boundaries in it. Although it was a short innings for Pant, he showed glimpses of the rhythm he used to bat in the past.
The returning Rishabh Pant was dismissed by fast bowler Harshal Patel. Pant was given life by Harshal Patel before he was dismissed. However, after just eight balls, Pant was dismissed and returned to the hut.
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